miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016


Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey
Miguel Orozco Peñaloza A01066617
Jose Eduardo Tenorio A01066647
Santiago Iturbide A01066913

Time management

  1. (Miguel): Hello Eduardo and Santiago, how are you?
  2. (Eduardo): Feeling great and you two?
  3. (Santiago) : I am fine
  4. (Miguel): I’m a little bit tired, I haven’t slept well.
  5. (Eduardo): Me too I’m having problems resting, because of the homework.
  6. (Santiago): My life is  horrible and  time pressure is awful whatsoever
  7. (Miguel): Yesterday, I finished my math homework at 12:00
  8. (Eduardo): But I don’t get it, there wasn’t that lot of homework, why did I lasted a lot doing it?
  9. (Santiago): You see Eduardo, we've got more things to do than homework.
  10. (Miguel): Yes, I’m going to miss my soccer practice today because of the History homework, it seems to be really complex.
  11. (Eduardo): And I can’t even go out and finish homework just to deliver it barely, I think it’s matter of managing time.
  12. (Santiago): But it seems you are just not doing it. You better work hard otherwise your life will be utterly messy.
  13. (Miguel): In the last semester, I used to do all my homework and activities in the day without any problems, but now, it’s a bit different.
  14. (Eduardo): Yes it looks like the time is getting shorter.
  15. (Santiago): I know, and we have the same hours of school.
  16. (Miguel): The last themes are more complex and difficult to understand.
  17. (Eduardo): Well let’s focus on what’s wrong then.
  18. (Santiago): Yes Eduardo, that’s a good idea.
  19. (Miguel): Indeed I think we should begin there.
  20. (Eduardo): Most of the times I browse Internet before start doing homework
  21. (Santiago): Sometimes I hear some music before starting the homework.
  22. (Miguel): Indeed I also relax a bit arriving home from school.
  23. (Eduardo): I think that we should do the homework early to allow us to do more things.
  24. (Santiago): Yes, that will help us.
  25. (Miguel): I’m going to make a schedule for my daily activities, that will help me too.
  26. (Eduardo): Yes, I will also make a concrete plan to allow me to do the homework first
  27. (Santiago): Good idea
  28. (Miguel): I think that could be the best solution to our problem.
  29. (Eduardo): Also the most routable and practical.
  30. (Santiago): It’s decided then, we will make an organized schedule to help us manage our time.

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